Sunday, April 15, 2012

My gratitude

It has been a while but late is better than none.

I am grateful :

1. I survived this week without any problem. It has been a stressful week at work.

2. to my staff. They have been hardworking and diligent during the one day stock checking. What would I do without them?? Thank you again. Promise a great dinner from me soon.

3. I do not look my age. Alright, I have to clarify here. I am going to be in my 35 soon, so don't bluff me by saying I am in my 20s!

4. I went for my overdue Pap Smear and ultrasound. And the result? Satisfactory. Consulted doctor on my dizziness, it may be due to low blood count or inner ear fluid imbalance.

5. After hanging my sport shoes when I was pregnant with my 1st child in 2006, I finally used them again. Reunited with my jogging buddy this week and we had our first session in the park on Thursday evening. More jogging to come!

6. everything is in order at home. It is hard to live with other people, but hubby told me to be patient. After all I have been staying there for 6 years plus, so few more months to go would not hurt me much. So God, please give me the strength to go through the next few months.


  1. Low blood count? Drink some Bak Zhan soup after your period...It will help. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. So ur birthday also in April? Rose I just hit 31yo today! haha

  3. good to reflect and give credits to those who hv supported us.

  4. Be grateful and be happy everyday, since life is so short.
