Tuesday, March 25, 2008

12 words in my life

Interesting tag from Nyumix, where you have to present 12 words that mean something to us, and explain why. It took me a while to think of them, but in the end, I manage to shortlist those 12 words that truly mean something to me in life. In no particular order:
1. Family - without them, I would not be here in first place
2. Friends - they will always be there for me after my family. Without them, life is empty
3. God - there is always the Almighty up there that look after me.
4. Handphone - I am lost without one!
5. Computer - without it, life is slow and boring
6. Internet - to me, it is the "8th wonder" of the world that creates big impact in our daily life!
7. Blogging - where I meet new friends and it has become my newest hobby and crave!
8. Car - I feel helpless and trapped without one!
9. House – Where I feel warm and safe in it
10. Love - without it, life is full of hate and selfishness
11. Food - yum yum! Life is meaningful with those delicious and exotic delicacies, right?
12. Men - we cannot live with or without them!

Not going to tag any of you, so anyone feel free to do it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rose,

Thanks for dropping by my blog. I have added you to my blog roll too.

I have to agree with you on your 12 words that meant most to you. Aiya, then my hubby said actually the most important things are just the top 3, the rest are neccessities. Men!! :)